• ACNM 68th Annual Meeting & Exhibition


ACNM’s priority in all meetings and events decisions is the safety and welfare of our attendees, exhibitors, partners, and team. To enable in-person events to occur with lower risk to participants, ACNM requires proof of COVID-19 vaccination for admittance to ACNM in-person meetings and events.

This policy is based on guidance and recommendations issued by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other public health authorities. The COVID-19 vaccines approved by the FDA for emergency use authorization and the vaccines that the FDA has fully approved have been determined to be critical in reducing the community prevalence of COVID-19.

The only exemption to this policy will be religious or medical reasons. When this occurs, specific health protocols, such as a negative PCR test, must be followed; otherwise, attendees will not be admitted.

ACNM will also require registrants to submit an Acknowledgment of Personal Responsibility Form upon registering for a meeting or event, and to comply with any state or local mask mandates in place for indoor events until further notice.

ACNM is requiring that all attendees provide proof of vaccination at registration.

ACNM’s proof of vaccination policy is designed to create exceptional, safe experiences for attendees and participants at ACNM meetings and events!