ACNM Code of Conduct

The ACNM Code of Conduct reflects who we are, what is important to us, and how we communicate in our meetings, our online communities, and through verbal, written, and visual expressions. The Code provides an overview of the general rules and policies that are consistent with the high standards of business ethics we uphold and emphasizes the value we place on trust and treating all ACNM members and stakeholders with respect. It’s imperative that every member follow our Code of Conduct, to observe high standards of integrity, and to make decisions that will preserve trust. The Code of Conduct is a great resource, but it does not cover every situation. It is important to use good judgment in your words and actions and contact ACNM if you’re unsure about the right course of action. While we encourage a lively exchange of ideas and insights in face-to-face and online proceedings, we do ask that you read and adhere to the ACNM Code of Conduct when participating in ACNM events and discussions whether online, verbal, written or visual. Read our full Code of Conduct.

ACNM Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy

In proceedings of the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM), the ACNM strives to maintain professional environments and professional interactions where people are treated with dignity, decency, and respect – an environment characterized by mutual trust and the absence of intimidation, oppression, and exploitation. ACNM will not tolerate unlawful discrimination or harassment of any kind. ACNM will not tolerate negative biases and racial stereotypes from any party including staff, volunteers, speakers, guests, members, contractors, military, government, and industry representatives. Breaches of these policies by third party vendors would be cause for disciplinary action and/or cancellation of said contract at the discretion of the CEO. Read the full ACNM Harassment Policy and Position Statement on Racism and Racial Bias.

ACNM Bias Incident Response Transparency and Healing (BIRTH) Team

ACNM is committed to conducting a meeting that is free of bias. To help ensure this, members have formed a Bias Incident Response Transparency and Healing (BIRTH) Team. Attendees who experience or witness bias in any form at the ACNM Annual Meeting can report the incident to the BIRTH Team. The report will be confidential and the attendee can choose to remain anonymous. The team will offer support, resources and arbitration, as well as coordinate community healing, educational outreach and make recommendations for organizational changes. The team may be reached at